A Real Bedwetter’s Top 10 Overnight Diapers For Adults! | The Diaper Dynamo (2025)

A Real Bedwetter’s Top 10 Overnight Diapers For Adults! | The Diaper Dynamo (1)

When my bedwetting issues first started all those years ago there weren’t a whole lot of quality overnight diapers for adults available yet. There were some OKAY but there are many really great options available these days!

The best overnight diapers for adults are the Confidry 24/7, the Northshore Megamax, BetterDry Diapers, Crinklz, Abena M4/L4, Little For Big ABDL Diapers, Trest, Northshore Supreme, Tranquility ATN, and the LivDry Diaper. This list is by no means complete as there are a ton of good quality diapers out there I haven’t tried yet!

There are of course many different types of ABDL diapers available out there too that would make for great bedwetting diapers. Soon I will have detailed reviews for all of these diapers! ABDL diapers included!

For now, keep reading to get a high level overview of all of the diapers listed above!

The Abena M4/L4

The Abena M4 was one of the first high quality diapers I ever tried in my early days of needing to wear diapers. It is still among some of the best diapers out there but no longer holds top position in the market.

At least not to most diaper wearers out there.

It still makes for a pretty great bedwetting diaper for most types of bedwetters. Since it had been so long since the last time I wore one to bed myself I tried wearing one the other night just to test it out.

Now I’m pretty heavy wetter at night so I generally need a bit more protection than most but it still held up through the night. I did have a bit of minor leaking as I got up but the results will vary from person to person.

This was likely caused by the pressure of me sitting up and some of the fluid get squeezed out a bit. By this point, the diaper was pretty much fully saturated.

For a lighter to moderate wetter, these diapers would do just fine. When I was in my early 20’s they still worked quite well for me.

Thankfully since then A LOT of other high quality options have come along!

How well any particular brand performs for you or for me can depend on a number of factors. Despite those variables they all seem to have a surprisingly similar capacity level!

If that to doesn’t make any sense to you read more about that by clicking here!

Considering the Abena comes in at around $1.57 per diaper (at the time of writing this) when you order it by the case it still is an outstanding option for the price point! Abena has been going strong for several decades now and shows no signs of going anywhere.

The Confidry 24/7

A Real Bedwetter’s Top 10 Overnight Diapers For Adults! | The Diaper Dynamo (3)

The Dry Care Confidry 24/7 has been my favorite go to diaper for many years. I use this diaper for both daytime and nighttime use.

As a bedwetting diaper, it’s certainly one of the best! At least in my opinion anyway.

To put that opinion in check I always like to collect dry weights and wet weights of my diapers when I’m trying to remove any potential biases I might have.

That is really important when it comes to assessing the quality of this particular diaper. Well, any diapers out there really.

That said, I wear this diaper to bed every night and nearly never have any leaks. I do however wear this diaper with a Liveanew XL booster pad that adds quite a bit of extra absorbency.

I started using them with booster pads mainly because they have had a clumping issue for some time now. I’m not sure when it started happening but it is a problem they have had that I have overlooked for a long time now.

In recent months I haven’t been using booster pads with them as much and have noticed how bad this clumping problem still is with the Confidry 24/7.

The booster pads shouldn’t be needed for this level of quality of diaper.

As much as I have had an affinity for this brand for many years I do have to call out the quality issues like this that have been happening for some time now.

While I do think this is still among the best adult diapers, for both night and daytime use, it has begun to fall out of favor because it seems to always have some sort of manufacturing error going on these days.

I also have had A LOT of issues with their tapes lately too. That one seems to come and go but whatever the case is Confidry needs to get on figuring it out or they’re going to lose more loyal customers.

The Northshore Megamax

We cannot talk about bedwetting diapers without mentioning the Northshore Megamax. In the diaper wearing world the Northshore Megamax is highly regarded as one of the best bedwetting diapers on the market.

If not THE BEST diaper then it’s certainly a top contender. This of course is a difficult thing to really judge until I have enough data on every diaper across the market to make such a claim.

While this is another diaper that I have done my standard weight test on before, in retrospect, I don’t think it was a very good test.

The last time I did it was in this video here where I put the Confidry 24/7 in a head to head match up against the Megamax.

For some reason, at the time I couldn’t bring myself NOT to use a booster pad in each as that is how I normally wear the Confidry diaper.

In retrospect, is not a very good way to compare these two products head to head. I certainly will be reconducting this experiment soon and writing a detailed review on it here on this site.

All that aside, this diaper is VERY absorbent and will undoubtedly last any bedwetter through the night!

The cool thing about the Megamax diapers is that they come in 5 different colors! They’re available in white, blue, black, pink, and tie die!

Personally, I love the fact that there are so many different options in prints and colors!

The Better Dry

The BetterDry diapers have been among my top favorite recommendations since I tried them. They seem to absorb a lot more than you would expect when first putting them on.

A plastic backed diaper available only in white, it weighs anywhere from 7.1 oz to 7.6 oz dry before use.

The last time that I tested this diaper and gathered wet weights for it I got variations in my results from 1lb 14oz all the way up to 3lbs 4oz.

That’s a 4x to 8x absorption capacity!

I do plan to do much further testing on these diapers in the future so I can collect a lot more data points to average them out. In way of good quality overnight diapers for adults, this diaper is among the top of my list!

The Crinklz

The Crinklz is the cartoon printed version of the BetterDry diaper. While I do believe it was initially intended to be an ABDL diaper I think that the designs are cute enough to have an appeal to multiple types of demographics.

I find many women respond positively to cuter diapers like these when I wear them in videos on Tiktok.

Who says diapers can’t be fun for everyone who needs them? Whether it’s for a mother who just gave birth and needs extra protection or for those women out there that suffer from endometriosis, for those wanting a cuter option these will do the trick!

Eventually, those who might be initially put off by the many different types of ABDL diapers there are out there come to realize that they are generally very high quality diapers.

The Little For Big Little Dreamers (ABDL Diaper!)

A Real Bedwetter’s Top 10 Overnight Diapers For Adults! | The Diaper Dynamo (4)

I’ve recently had the pleasure of trying these diapers out for the first time thanks to a generous fan out there sending them to me as a gift off my wishlist!

As you can tell these are very clearly intended for the ABDL market. Who cares though? I sure don’t! I’m on a mission to test and try all the diapers IN THE WORLD!

This obviously means all the ABDL diapers there are too. This one in particular certainly did not disappoint.

While the diaper itself is pretty pricey it has one of the highest levels of absorption of any diaper I’ve ever tried. I will be collecting more measurements when I do a full review of it in another post!

The Trest Elite Diaper

This is another product I was fortunate enough to be able to try recently. I got so excited to try them out I neglected to properly document the process.

This means I will need to wait until they become available in a medium size again before I run some tests to see if it really does absorb as much as they say it does.

I actually tried these before I tried the LFB Little Dreamers above.

I mention that because they were very similar diapers to me. When I first put on the Little Dreamers my very first thought was how much they reminded me of The Trest diaper.

The shape, the feel, the fit, the level of absorbency, and even the level of thickness. It made me wonder if maybe they were made in similar ways.

The Trest Elite claims to have a 9500 mL absorbent capacity. This is substantially higher than most other diapers on the market.

While I am skeptical of this claim after actually using the diaper, I’m well aware that perception and expectation oftentimes does not equate to measurements in reality. I will reserve my critiques until I can take proper measurements.

That aside, no doubt about it this is an excellent top notch quality diaper. That quality does come at a premium cost and will run you about $4 per diaper!

The Northshore Supreme

The Northshore Supreme is a discreet but absorbent option to go with. As far as diapers go it certainly contains a lot of fluid for the price.

When you order this diaper by the case it will cost you at least $1.88 per diaper. This is about average as far as cost per diaper goes.

Just like the Northshore Megamax, the Supreme comes in a variety of colors. I personally love that more and more diapers are coming out with different aesthetic designs like this.

It’s a trend in the diaper world I hope to see continue and perhaps contribute to one day.

The Supreme comes in classic white but it also comes in blue polka dots, green polka dots, and purple polka dots too!

I’d say its absorbency level is towards the higher end of the absorbency spectrum. It’s not quite as absorbent as the Megamax but it certainly comes close.

The Tranquility ATN

The Tranquility ATN is probably the least absorbent diaper on this list. With less absorbency comes less material. With less material comes less cost.

Thus leading this diaper to be one of the most affordable diapers on the market.

It is even covered under SOME insurance plans.

It comes in at a cost of roughly $0.88 per diaper, depending on the size of course. That’s a VERY affordable price.

If you find that its level of absorbency just isn’t quite high enough Tranquility booster pads are quite affordable as well and designed to fit inside THEIR products.

I know plenty of folks out there who get by just fine with Tranquility ATNs.

The LivDry Diaper With Shaped Pad Insert

The LivDry diaper is a particularly interesting diaper to make this list. I recently had the pleasure of working with TyeMedical on a marketing campaign for their LivDry diaper.

They are not paying me to be featured here, or anywhere else on this site for that matter, but my experience with their diaper certainly left an impression on me.

The diaper, by itself, is very low quality. They say it CAN be used on its own but this is not something I can personally recommend myself.

Just like every other diaper on this list today, I desperately need to write an in depth review of this product with all of its pros and cons.

The main point you really need to know about the LivDry diaper is that it was originally designed to be what is called a two piece system.

This is where you use the LivDry diaper as the outer shell and then place their shaped pad inserts inside the diaper. The shaped bad inserts ARE NOT BOOSTER PADS!

Urine does not pass through them into the diaper.

This way, you can change out just the pad insert and not the entire diaper. There are many pros and cons to this approach that I will need to expand upon in another page.

Especially since I haven’t had the chance to try this diaper with the shaped pad inserts yet.

Because of that, I feel like my experience with the diaper itself wasn’t nearly as good as it could be with the use of the proper inserts.

For more on the best adult diapers available for you to try check out this page next!

A Real Bedwetter’s Top 10 Overnight Diapers For Adults! | The Diaper Dynamo (2025)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.